DIY First Birthday Party

I don't know about your family, but in ours firsts are a big celebration. Actually in our family everything is a motive to celebrate. So, when the time comes I go all crazy into organizing my children's first birthday party. For David this was easy, I knew what the theme was and I had the… Continue reading DIY First Birthday Party

enfermagem, Grief and Loss, Life, Motherhood

The Struggle is Real

When I started the night shift mom I had a very clear idea of where I wanted to go and who I wanted to write to. I wanted to write for moms, but then I started writing and it had a therapeutic effect on me. Then I started sharing about some of my passions like… Continue reading The Struggle is Real

Life, Uncategorized

Óleos Essenciais

Não sou uma pessoa que se rende facilmente a ideias, gosto de fazer pesquisa e de ter a certeza do seu fundamento. Creio que é um traço comum a muitas enfermeiras porque é-nos ensinado a fundamentar sempre tudo. Pode soar estranho que alguém da área da saúde se possa interessar pelo tema e mundo que… Continue reading Óleos Essenciais

Motherhood, Uncategorized

Reflections on being a SAHM

These past couple of days I have been thinking about my role as a stay at home mom (SAHM) and how this shift in my life has deeply affected me. When I had my first baby I was home for exactly 4 weeks before I went back to work, and he was barely 9 months… Continue reading Reflections on being a SAHM